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Grange Park, Northampton

Exterior shot of Nene Group offices

The Property

For Nene Group, a central location with easy accessibility for colleagues and clients was essential. We, therefore, sourced a prime location next to Junction 15 of the M1: 11 Basset Court, Grange Park, Northampton. Covering 15,000 sqft, this property houses Nene Group’s Headquarters and is situated amongst local businesses, some of which are a part of Nene Group’s family of brands.

The Outcome

Our focus was to create a modern, welcoming and functional working space for the Nene Group. Optimising the two-storey building, we designed stylish meeting rooms and private spaces on the ground floor, each with floor-to-ceiling glass walls which provide seclusion whilst emitting plenty of natural light.

Upstairs, we configured their IT setup and furniture layout to create a comfortable and productive office area so the core team at Nene Group has their own space to work. With allocated parking spaces outside for staff and visitors, Grange Park has become a valuable asset to the brand’s growth.

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